Restore your granite with our expertise
You can bring your stone back to life with our high-quality restoration solutions. Expect exceptional service from our team. We'll help you showcase your granite's natural beauty.
Our restoration services include:
- Grinding: Abrasive diamond discs are used to sand the surface to remove uneven tiles and scratches.
- Honing: The surface is lightly sanded to remove wear and scratches and rounds the edges of the stone.
- Polishing: Powdered abrasives are used to create a high-polish look.
- Buffing: This processes used a fluid and steel wool to create a chemical reaction that shines and hardens the stone.
- Sealing: This process creates a protective barrier that repels liquid and watermarks from absorption. Seal stone every 2 or 3 years.
- Stain removal: We apply poultice to remove stains.
- Scratches, chips, and cracks: We can repair and blend them to hide them. We can also re-polish the high traffic areas or those in most need of attention.
- Ask us about our cost-effective solutions that fit your residential or commercial needs. We'll provide you with stone care tips and offer stone maintenance .